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... Dr. Ridley urged his members to go beyond the walls of the church and spread the Gospel throughout the world.  He, along with the Fellowship Choir of The Greater First Baptist Church, traveled to Düsseldorf, Germany and Stockholm Sweden, where he ministered to the people and the message was well received.


Every year, Pastor Ridley passionately chooses a binding theme.  The theme for 2018 is “GFBC IS MAKING L.I.F.E. COUNT LIKE NEVER SEEN IN 2018”  L.I.F.E. – Living In Faith Everyday, Living In Favor Everyday, Living In Freedom Everyday.   The Scriptural Reference is Psalm 90: 1-15.   During this year of several national challenges, Pastor Ridley has done much, especially through his weekly sermons, to provide the members with spiritual guidance and enlightenment.


Dr. Ridley has enhanced his ministry through memberships with the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc., the Hampton University Ministers’ Conference, the Missionary Baptist Ministers’ Conference of Washington, DC and Vicinity and the Mayor’s Interfaith Council.  He currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Council of Churches of Greater Washington, DC.


Dr. Ridley is happily married to Bonita LuRose Lee Ridley, who is an accomplished coloratura soprano, pianist, and organist.  She is currently the National Coordinator/Chair of the Ministers’ Wives and Widows of the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc.


Rev. Dr. Ridley succeeded the late Rev. Dr. Edward Thomas, Pastor Emeritus, who retired in 1997 after 50 years of outstanding service to the church, community and city.

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