Rev. Robert Hood was born and raised in Lynchburg, Virginia, the second child in
a family of seven siblings which consisted of four sisters and two brothers. As a
young child, he was nurtured at the historic New Vine Baptist Church of
Lynchburg and was saved at a very young age.
In order to further his education, he moved to the Washington, D.C. area in 1973,
where he attended Federal City College, now known as the University of the
District of Columbia. In 1982 he received a Bachelor’s Degree in Recreational
Leadership. He subsequently enrolled in the Maple Springs Baptist Bible College
and Seminary from which he received a Master’s Degree in Biblical Studies in
May 2010.
Rev. Hood is a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ. His ministerial objectives
include a commitment to the furtherance of the gospel. His goal is to preach,
teach, evangelize and educate those who are saved and those who are seeking
He is currently employed with The Stoddard Baptist Nursing Home as the Director
of Therapeutic Recreation. In addition to his duties in Recreational Therapy, he
also serves as Acting Chaplain. During his long and extensive career of working
with the elderly, he has worked with pastors, church groups, missionaries and other
volunteer groups who are willing to provide services or minister to the elderly.
Prior to his employment working with the elderly at Stoddard Baptist Home, he
was Director of Sports and Recreation for the District of Columbia Special
Olympics, Inc. that serves the mentally challenged. God has blessed his life with
opportunities of servanthood to those who are in need and are less fortunate.
Rev. Hood has served on the Board of Directors for the ‘Take Charge Program’.
This valuable and useful program specializes in family strengthening, juvenile
prevention, intervention, and behavior modification programming. The program
also serves as an alternative to detention, school expulsion and suspension for at-
risk youth.
He became a member of Highland Park Baptist Church in Landover, Maryland in
the early 1990s where he became very active in many ministries. He served on the
Usher Board, the Community Outreach Ministry, the Lay Ministry and the Sunday
school. He also served as an armor bearer to the pastor and taught the New
Members’ class for a number of years.
In 2001, Rev. Hood dedicated his services and expertise to help establish the New
Horizon Baptist Church, where he became licensed to preach the gospel in August
2001 and became an associate minister. In 2003, he joined the Servants for Christ
Ministries – another birthed church – and became ordained in 2005.
Rev. Hood currently is an associate minister at The Greater First Baptist Church in
Washington, D.C., where Rev. Dr. Winston C. Ridley, Jr., is Pastor.